Monday, March 21, 2005

You Know Me, I Don't Need No Introduction And Shit... (Actually, I Probably Do)

Hi there! My name is Daniel Alper, and by some chance you have stumbled into my brain, a place where I hop to carve my own little niche within the cavernous Internet. The creation of this blog was inspired by the fact that, now that I am out of college, I have no place to put alot of my thoughts, however fully formed they may be. Hopefully, Mental Sword Fighting can be that place. Inspiration propers must also be handed out to my dear friend Maya, who finally inspired me to stop talking about making a blog and actually do it, when I wrote her a (rather hiliarious) email. She noted that she thought that I had some talent at this writing thing, and lamented that she didn't write anymore. I joined her in these lamentations, until the voice in the back of my mind cried out "Idiot, why don't you start that blog you're always talking about?" Thus, here I am, finally getting off my ass and doing something. And hey, you never know, maybe more people than just my parents and my friends will read my little ramblings, and my thoughts/ideas/insanity will spread around the Internet, and I can influence someone or something and maybe even get a job. Who knows, maybe some Rolling Stone editor will stumble on to this web site and scream "Eureka! I've found the next Hunter S. Thompson!" I doubt it, but ya never know with this Internet thing...

I hope to cover a little bit of everything-- you may get insights into my life, ramblings of my mind, reviews of CDs or movies, political diatribes... whatever happens to float through my head. I had hoped to start this blog, oh... four months ago, in time to post my list of the Best Albums of 2004, but obviously, that didn't happen. Nevertheless, I press on. I hope to soon learn a little bit more about web publishing, so that I can make this site nice and snazzy looking, with comments, blog roll where I can shout out my favorite sites, and other dope shit. All in due time, friends, all in due time...

So anyway, thanks for coming, and I hope that you bookmark my site and return. I can't promise anything, but I think you'll enjoy what tumbles forth from my mind. If anything, it should make you think for only a moment, and yes, perhaps even engage in a little mental sword fighting of your own, with whomever it is you do such things...