Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

So, I returned home to NY (home for a blessed few more days only, but we'll get to that in a minute) from Las Vegas late Friday night, and only just now am I getting a chance to post a recap of the events. It has taken this long partially because I needed the time to recuperate mentally and physically, but also because I just had to attend the Mets-Giants doubleheader on Sunday afternoon, and well... I'm lazy. Anywho...

You know that shit they say about what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Definitely true. I mean, when you've got six red blooded American males between the ages of 22 and 24 running around Las Vegas... we'll, you're gonna have some interesting times. Definitely things that I'll remember for the rest of my life, some things I probably wish I didn't remember, and a few things that only five other people will ever know about.

The best part about the trip? Just getting a chance to ball out with five of my best friends. It was an amazingly fun trip, but it also did a lot to solidify and strengthen relationships with people who I was already strong friends with. So many laughs, so many crazy times, so many moments to remember... it was just terrific. I read Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for the first time on the plane ride over, and it was definitely a good introduction to the insanity and ridiculiousness that awaited me upon touchdown in Nevada.

Any kind of recap or write up is going to wind up leaving out alot of things, so I apologize in advance. Nevertheless, I'm gonna try and sum up a few key points of the trip here as best I can. Here are some of the highlights:

-- Gambling. The first night, I played poker at Mandalay Bay (where we were staying) and found myself up $175. Not bad, right? Too bad that was the only luck I had on the trip. After that, I lost $100 playing Poker with a bunch of goddamn pricks at Bally's, and lost many dollars at many different casino's playing Blackjack. It was so frustrating to watch my friends get lucky and rake in the dough at Blackjack, only to have me slide in and routinely get 3-4's and busted 22's. You know it's bad when you've lost a hundred bucks before the waitress returns to the table with your free beer or extremely watered down cranberry vodka! All in all, I managed to lose around $300 gambling, including a busted $15 bet on the Mets. On the brightside, I did manage to stay away from those nickel slots (thanks for the tip Jane, although I don't know how much that helped me!), so I got that going for me, which is nice.

-- The food. We ate at some spectacular restaurants. The first night we ate at Aureole, which was mouthwateringly awesome. The decor was impeccable, the wine list extensive, and the food absolutely scrumptious. I realized that we were in Vegas when we sat down at a restaurant called Aureole (supposedly meaning a flash of light or something) and I looked at my plate to find a little circle smack dab in the middle of the plate, giving it the appearance of, well... an aureole (Get it? I admit to stealing that joke from my boy Matt. If you found it funny, thank him. If you didn't, blame him). Charlie Palmer's steakhouse and Emeril's fish restaurant were also incredible, and I did enjoy eating at Red Square as well (if only because I ordered a drink concoction dubbed Chernobyl, and had to make the inevitable joke about already having had a meltdown). I also couldn't hate on the Kobe beef burger I had at the Burger Bar either... all in all, your boy ate real, real nice on this trip.

-- The women. My Lord, it seemed like every time I turned around, there was one beautiful woman after another passing me by. And it's not like all of those women worked in Vegas... these were the fellow tourists and Casino dwellers such as myself, looking dressed to the nines and ready to kill. I thought NY in the summertime was great... but all you can say about Vegas is WOW. It's almost worth going to Vegas just to people watch.

-- The vibe. It shouldn't come as a surprise to you, but everything in Vegas is focused on having a good time and making sure you have fun. As such, the vibe is usually pretty good, especially at a blackjack table that is playing together and winning. But even away from the tables and the Casinos, having fun is clearly priority number one in that town, and it shows. It's almost impossible to have a bad time, especially when you've got your five best friends flanking you on either side and watching to make sure you don't get in to too much trouble (or, in some cases, opening the door and inviting trouble right on in!).

My only regrets? Not popping Cristal as we'd planned (just so I can be like Jay-Z for a precious few moments), and not taking any pictures (guess the memories will have to stay burned into the brain, rather than on my shitty disposable camera).

However, next time I return, I'm only gonnna go for a long weekend. Five days and four nights was a kind of long time, and it definitely took its toll. On Friday, I told everyone that it was a good thing we were living that afternoon, because if we stayed any longer, the city might have killed me. It was that intense (and that much of a financial drain!).

IN OTHER NEWS: At the end of this week, I will be turning my back on my beloved New York and moving to Alexandria, Virginia. I am hoping to find a job in Washington, D.C., doing writing and research and/or working on political campaigns. While this move frightens me, it is something that I feel I have to undertake at this point in my life. I am excited yet nervous at the same time, and the idea of putting your entire life into boxes is extremely daunting. However, if anyone reading this knows of any good spots to go to, people to talk to, or just general ideas to help, it would be much appreciated.

As such, it may be til the end of this week before I get back to fully operational status and resume posting on this blog with any kind of regularity. Just bear with me, and you'll soon be receiving that MSF goodness you know and love, broadcasted to you live from my apartment in Alexandria.

Wish me luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck in Alexandria Danny!!
Its my middle name so it better be good to you!
As for Vegas, im sure its a trip you all will look back at many years from now, when all the negativity of loosing money has subsided and only the sweetest of events are recalled.


June 07, 2005 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's awesome to hear that y'all had a great time. I did have something that I scribbled down when I was drunk last weekend and wanted to say, but maybe now is not the time to let that mental bomb drop. Anyway, I'm working on a new album of music, and I'm hoping to be done within the next week or two. I just came up with some more lyrics a few minutes ago... Think Maynard, and then melodically say to yourself, "Am I just a monkey with a tool or a tool with a monkey?" Well, that's it for now... It so damn hot in hurrr. Take Care and Live Well.

June 10, 2005 1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hard boiled some eggs.

--Royce Ring

June 12, 2005 3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could field your blog. - David Wright

June 12, 2005 6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously though, i think your blog is awesome. you sustain me. one thing: i'm confused when i think about how you talk and write because you place lots of exclamation points after dry sarcasm. usually your spoken exclamation points are after rightfully calling someone a bitch or verbally lacing into some trick that ain't all that fly, or ain't giving the alp-dizzle his deserved props. i don't think you usually, at least when you speak, exclaim after your sarcasm. it is more of a hush that allows the collective group to revel in your Alper timeliness (timing?)...but i digress because i now realize that writing and speaking are two completely different mediums, though i have to say, my confusion had a source: people never understand me either way! can you tell how bored I am? Have fun in DC.
When you come back, bring Melvin Mora.
Oh, and you and Ron Ron would hit off...like best friends hit it off. I believe this.

June 12, 2005 6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good observation Alper girls out west ARE hotter. I did not believe that at all until I moved out this way.

Second..... let me know next time you're in Vegas!!!!!!!!! It's a $39 flight (or a boring ass car ride) for me to meet you up there.

June 17, 2005 2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened Danny?
Is the blog scope out of reach in DC?
I’m lonely without your tantalizing postulates!

June 21, 2005 12:31 PM  

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