Roll With The Winners

Ok, so I know that lots of heads already written about it , but as a new found resident of Virginia I feel the need to throw some props to the only in state crew causing more destruction than the Virginia Tech Hokies right now-- Pusha, Malice (a/k/a/ VA's own Clipse), Ab-Liva, and Sandman (comin' from Philly). Collectively, they go by the name of The Re-Up Gang, and they've produced a masterpiece in We Got It 4 Cheap, Vol. 2. I've heard them described as "coke dealer rap." which is an apt yet somewhat odd sounding description, but every track on this thing is a certified banger. And the beats they jump on.... my lord. Seriously: Best. Mixtape. Of. The. Year.
--And hey, maybe I'm not such an idiot after all:
Bet that MVP trophy that may be coming to A-Rod next month looks real, real hollow to Yankee fans right about now, huh? And hey, I'm not the only one who hates the Yankees. See, there are somewhat sound, thought out reasons for hating the Yankees ($2.2 million per win!) other than pure jealousy (And no, Dr. Alterman and I are not just bitter Mets fans. Dirty liberals? Sure. But "haters"? Nah...).However, if A-Rod truly is the AL MVP (and I don’t think he is, as you’ll see tomorrow), he’s got to step up and put a big time stamp on this series. If he doesn’t, it’ll only give more credence to those who say he puts up MVP numbers in blowouts and under no pressure, but when wilts when you need the big hit.
-- I know that the topic of the Angels being exhausted and having to travel has been beaten to death in the media, but I can't believe the Angels are even in the ball game tonight (as I type this, they lead 3-2 after eight). Pitching staff shot to shit, three cities (three time zones!) in three days, going up against the rested and ready White Sox (who I must admit I sincerely underrated coming in to this thing-- sorry, Ozzie Guillen)... I was fully expecting Chicago to cruise and win something like 7-0 tonight. Should be a good series...
-- And finally, a little while ago, upon the entrance to the grocery store, I saw one of the most bizarre things I'd ever seen: A pre-painted Halloween pumpkin. Wow... maybe I'm reading too much into this, but doesn't that say something about American culture and lifestyle, circa 2005?
Some of my favorite Halloween memories are not running around the neighborhood feisting on free candy (although that was good too), but rather painting the pumpkin or carving a Jack O' Lantern with my family. I also got a kick out of trying to slice the most bizarre, misguided expressions on to my pumpkin, and delighted in seeing it illuminated on my front porch throughout Halloween evening (even though we usually only got about two Trick or Treaters, so it's not like many people were gonna see it). Have we really reached the point-- have we become this lazy?-- that we can't even be bothered to paint or carve our own damn pumpkins? And people wonder why American culture is hated and mocked, or that we're thought of as weak and fat? I mean, that's just pathetic.
Word up Alpizzle! I know nothing about baseball or rap music. I am getting a kick, though, out of watching all of the yankee fans mope around the office deprived of the only life they had outside of work. I do have one comment. The pre-painted pumpkins have been around for a while. I think many people are too artistically challenged to be able to maintain their fancy pants snobbery and display their pathetic art projects. Maybe they're too paranoid about their kids using knives and simulataneously horrified by their kids being around paint. Maybe they're too drunk to use knives themselves. Maybe they're totally un-festive, and don't give a rats ass about Halloween, but want to give the impression that they do, and voila, instant Halloween. I don't know, but they've been around for a while. Hope you're enjoying VA!
have you heard that raekwon & ghostface track, "kilos" yet?
even on crappy speakers, it sounds mighty nice.
And now on to something completely different!
All you Hackley Kids chime in, because David Stern went Beverley Whitaker on dat asss!
The NBA's new Dress code is EERILY similar to the Hackley Dress Code, citing necessary items as "dress slacks", collared or "turtle necks", no work boots (aka timbo's) and most importatntly no flashy jewelry or medallions over clothes.
David Stern is a short Jew.
David Stern owns no medallions, and probably doesnt own anything Timerland.
In the end, I dont even know whose side Im on, as they both present legit arguments, this is a business, and Stern is the CEO, but he doesnt own the teams.
In baseball and basketball, there are individual team dress codes, which is why the Giambino cant sport his goatee and Tats.
If Stern was smart and didnt want to look silly, he would strongly urge TEAMS to have their own dress codes, as opposed to coming over the top of all owners and mandating one Dress Code. He has totally taken the wrong direction in this matter, and personally, I cant wait for the backlash, headed by the gangsta himself Allen Answer Iverson
i meant baseball and football, have team codes
Perhaps people are too busy making phat cash and raking in mad dough to take time out of their busy schedules in order to carve or paint a rotting gourd.
And really, how can the sight of some pre-painted pumpkins be so upsetting when, for many, many years now, we've had delivery and take-out, t.v dinners and Hot Pockets, remote controls, Pay-Per-View, the Home Shopping Network, e-Bay, and, the lazy man's dream come true: the automobile -- which is far more detrimental to our society than any of the aforementioned items.
And yes, it is detrimental in its current and popular form: car = oil = not enough = war. Plain and simple.
So let's not rag on people for buying and selling a pre-painted squash or two.
you know i met clinton sparks?
hes from boston...i'm actually good friends with someone on his production team.
pretty cool guy - nerdier then i thought he would be
anyway cool blog
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